About your Therapist

Meera Duncan
Meera received an Honorary Doctorate in 2022 (Honoris Causa) of Advanced Studies in Psychology due to her groundbreaking research and work with Bipolar Disorder and the development of Environmental Stress-Targeted Therapy, EVSTT, the first treatment protocol for patients with Bipolar Disorder to include clinical hypnosis and target the fight-or-flight stress response associated with this disorder with proven evidence-based results.
Meera is a Registered Counselling Therapist, Registered Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist, Addictions Counsellor, and bestselling Author in private practice in Calgary, Alberta. She is registered with ARCH Canada, The Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists; with ACTA, The Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta; and with RITMA, Therapists in Alternative and Complimentary Medicine Association, and studied Past-Life Regression with Dr. Brian Weiss in New York.
Meera is on the Board of Directors for ACTA, The Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta and also on the Board of Directors for FACT-Alberta, Federation of Associations of Counselling Therapists in Alberta.
Meera is passionate about the healing benefits that Hypnotherapy creates in a person’s life. Witnessing this shift in both thought patterns and unwanted behaviors in clients continues to make this work gratifying beyond expression as a therapist.
Meera is so grateful to have studied Past Life Regression in 2015 in New York with Dr. Brian Weiss, famous Hypnotherapist and author seen on several episodes of Oprah & Dr.Oz. Famous author of ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’, and many other books.
Offering Counselling, Talk therapy, DBT, CBT, Hypnotherapy, Addictions therapy, and EFT to heal and resolve emotional and physical issues that are having a negative impact on a person’s life either physically or psychologically. Mind and body are intertwined and heavily connected, so symptoms may manifest through the body, emotionally, psychologically, or a combination that includes each type.
Hypnotherapy has had a profound positive affect on her own personal life, and been a catalyst for healing both severe physical injuries and emotional and psychological issues such as Clinical Depression and PTSD that occurred from a severe and traumatic elevator accident in 1998.
If hypnosis can heal and resolve chronic pain, depression and PTSD in her life, what can it improve in yours?
Meera’s book is available to purchase at over 50 000 stores including Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, chapters.indigo.ca, FriesenPress bookstore and BarnesandNoble.com.
Or if you would like a personal signed copy for the same price of a regular copy click the “Contact Us” tab and in the Comment section write, “Signed Copy Please” And Meera will email you the e money transfer instructions to get your limited time only signed copy.
To learn more about Meera and view a sneak peek of her book, please go to her authors’ website at MeeraDuncan.com.
Meera is also an International Lecturer and Speaker for The Australian Hypnosis Conference and The Mind Research Foundation to Universities and psychology students around the World
Visit the page below for Meera's guestings!
Meera’s Clinic