Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Are you struggling with Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD? Are you finding it difficult to manage the feelings that you are experiencing? Are you experiencing flashbacks, severe anxiety, nightmares, and panic attacks? You are not alone. There is help and support available. Healing the trauma you’ve experienced through effective evidence-based and heavily researched therapeutic methods such as clinical hypnotherapy, counselling, psychotherapy, & cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been proven to reduce & resolve PTSD symptoms. Meera incorporates each of these treatment methods when working with individuals struggling with resolving this type of trauma. Take the first step towards healing and book your session today.


How does Hypnotherapy work? 

As with resolving any anxiety, fear, or phobia with hypnosis; hypnotherapy is one of the most effective treatment methods utilized to resolve PTSD. The therapist goes straight to the source, the initial sensitizing traumatic event, and effectively and quickly desensitizes this memory and experience, subsequently eliminating the stress response that has been embedded and intertwined between the emotional, psychological, and physical components of the body.