Our Services

Smoking Cessation

What is Smoking Cessation?

Smoking Cessation or Vaping Treatment includes two therapy sessions that utilize cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling, and hypnosis for a powerful and effective natural healthy method of treatment that allows you to achieve your goal of becoming a permanent non-smoker or vaper. 

The Smoking Cessation or Vaping Treatment Protocol that Meera has created utilizes many different techniques that focus the subconscious mind on quitting this addiction easily and effectively by kicking in the “survival mechanism”. The subconscious mind has one vital job to do 24 hours/day: to protect you! By giving it the message that smoking or vaping will ultimately hurt you, a message that only your conscious mind understands right now, creates a powerful session to finally end this self destructive addiction that has been controlling and negatively affecting your life far too long.

Isn’t it time to finally end this addictive behavior and choose health, vitality, and happiness over those 5000 toxic chemicals found in cigarettes, and avoid possible serious lung conditions now associated with vaping?

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